
Increase Occupancy and Revenue: Adapt to Consumers

Just in time for the winter travel season, the recent HomeAway vacation trends study sheds light on consumers’ desires so you can make adjustments that will increase bookings and revenues. According to the study, travelers’ top complaints when considering a vacation rental were online listings with inaccurate booking calendars and/or rental rates. The second major complaint was slow or lack of response to rental inquiries. The report also noted that the number one reason travelers choose vacation rentals over hotels is their desire to have all of the conveniences of home while on vacation.

Just in time for the winter travel season, the recent HomeAway vacation trends study sheds light on consumers’ desires so you can make adjustments that will increase bookings and revenues. According to the study, travelers’ top complaints when considering a vacation rental were online listings with inaccurate booking calendars and/or rental rates. The second major complaint was slow or lack of response to rental inquiries. The report also noted that the number one reason travelers choose vacation rentals over hotels is their desire to have all of the conveniences of home while on vacation.

Travelers’ habits and demands, including reliance on technology and need for instant access to information, are changing the travel industry.  It is important that property information is continually updated to ensure accuracy. Additionally, responses to rental inquiries must be made promptly and consistently to meet traveler expectations.

Of equal importance, online property descriptions should provide sufficient details to allow travelers to determine if the property will meet their needs.  Specific areas of interest include the ability to prepare meals and having ample space for the entire group.  Highlighting these areas could be the difference between securing and not securing a rental.

Renting out your vacation home does not need to be stressful. There are many options available to consider whether you are new to the rental market or your current rental management plan is not working for you. With just a few adjustments, you can modify your listing to meet these needs.

Click Here To learn more about Rental Management from VRS.

Vacation Rental Services (VRS) offers a Rental Management Plan that will ensure your online listing information is at all times current and accurate.  VRS responds to all rental inquiries within 30 minutes and has a specific inquiry follow-up plan. VRS offers a menu of services that can be designed to meet your unique needs.  All of this for a fraction of the cost of what traditional property management companies charge, so more revenue goes directly to you.

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